Met Grade Requirement for 93%+ last trimester

Key Commits (last trimester)

Search Table commits

Backbone JS + HTML for searchpage

Made functions to get designs

Search keyword functionality implemented

Fixed things that were overwriting search algorithm

Homepage commit

Link functionality to signup

CPT Project Feature

Frontend: Link

Backend: Link

Search function frontend call to backend, takes search keyword from user Frontpage CSS + styling

AP Prep

Last trimester, I was focused mainly on the frontend portion of our CPT project. This trimester, I hope to be able to work more on backend stuff, like flask servers. For AP test in terms of MCQ, I will likely need to review/rewatch CB videos on the topics I am most unfamiliar with and do some more practice. For the CPT portion, I will be continuing what I started last trimester and improving the searchpage functionality.

Next Steps

Debug the search function so that users don’t have to search twice (it reloads the first time you search anything)

at the bottom are links to my commits. demonstrate working with team, and show how each person contributed a fair amount and finished their portion + good teamwork.

github analytics on here:


I will be working with my pair Andrew Kim this trimester (we only have 2 people). Since we are the only non-triangle group in the class, we will have to adapt and establish our roles accordingly. I will focused on the backend with the dataset and models/functions, while Andrew focuses on importing a good theme for the frontend and making user input. We will figure out together what our ML project should be on and search for a database together. If we need help, Ian “Sensei” Wu can be our 2.5th member and we can also get assistance from crossover group (Ian, Harkirat, Shubhay).