aList[i] - This access your list at index i. An index is a numeric value that represents the position of an element within that data structure. For example, the first element of aList is at index 1, represented by aList[1].

x <- aList[i] - Assigns value of aList[i] to variable x

aList[i] <- x - Assigns value of x to aList[i]

aList[i] <- aList[j] - Assigns value of aList[j] to aList[i]

INSERT(aList, i , value) - aList is the list in which you want to insert the value. i is the index at which you want to insert the value. value is the value you want to insert at that index

APPEND(aList, value) - The value you put in is placed at the end of aList

REMOVE(aList, i) - aList is the list in which you want to delete the value. i is the index at which you want to delete the value.

LENGTH(aList) - Gives you the number of elements in aList

FOR EACH item IN aList { blah blah blah } - Item is a var assigned each element of aList in order from first element to last. The code inside the for loop is run once for every assignment of item.

Binary conversion PSEUDOCODE practice

This code will attempt to convert decimal numbers into binary form. It will be written in pseudocode.

num <- input()
curr <- num
binarylist <- []
WHILE NOT(curr = 0) {
    log <- LOG(num) // 1
    power <- 2**log
    APPEND(binarylist, power)
    curr <- curr - power

This code returns a list with the binary expansion of some number.

Example: 135 => [128,4,2,1]

Now we just have to perform some string operations to convert into a binary number, which we can use pseudocode to do, but because I am not yet familiar with the string operation syntax, I will omit it here.