We will be implementing a Machine Learning project centered around advertising
take in what the user likes and input into a database to give themed Advertisements.
Friday 3/8 - Plans, Schedules, Role Assignment
Tuesday 3/12 - Backend, Frontend setup with titanic data
Thursday 3/14 - New model data found, transfer of backend into new theme and CPT
Monday 3/18 - New model finished, tested, frontend and backend nearly finish
Wednesday 3/20 - Final tweaks finished, ready for review
Division of work
- Frontend: Andrew
- Backend: Hayden
I will be working with my pair Andrew Kim this trimester (we only have 2 people). Since we are the only non-triangle group in the class, we will have to adapt and establish our roles accordingly. I will focused on the backend with the dataset and models/functions, while Andrew focuses on importing a good theme for the frontend and making user input. We will figure out together what our ML project should be on and search for a database together. If we need help, Ian “Sensei” Wu can be our 2.5th member and we can also get assistance from crossover group (Ian, Harkirat, Shubhay).