Problem 1

3 Python libraries

Turtle (good for making drawings/graphics)

turtle.forward() moves the turtle forward by a specific amount turtle.pendown() puts down the turtle’s pen so it can draw along its path

Beautiful Soup (good for web scraping)

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup soup = BeautifulSoup(html_doc, ‘html.parser’) # grabs data and represents it as a nested data structure

soup.title # outputs My very bad day soup.p # outputs <p>Not good</p>

Pyjokes (generate jokes)

myjoke = pyjokes.get_joke(language=”en”, category=”neutral”) language parameter specifies the language of the joke, and category specificies which category of the joke you want (neutral, twister, all)

Problem 2

Research an API API This API is unique in that it can generate random numbers within a specified range. It is free to use (1000 times per key) and is very useful for game development involving random numbers.

In a cryptography setting, one could use such an API to generate key values for decryption using the Ceasar Cipher, among many other hashing algorithms such as RSA.

Problem 3

import a data manipulation library use a prefixed function and prefixed variable, w/ comments

import pandas as p # we will use pandas library, assign it prefix p

p_var = p.Series([1,2,8,9,10]) # create pandas series with prefix p
p_result = p_var.mean() # use a prefixed function, mean (from the pandas library)
print(p_var) # original series
print(p_result) # mean calculated by the mean function from pandas library
0     1
1     2
2     8
3     9
4    10
dtype: int64