Mon 8/21


Figure out how the make command works. I’m currently using

bundle exec jekyll serve 

to host the site locally - which is putting the site at Hopefully I figure this out soon

make: *** [_posts/] Error 1


The biggest tool involved in the making of this website is Makefile. Makefile defines a set of tasks to be executed, such as in the case of having a website, it will define tasks such as starting the local server, starting logging, and converting notebook files to Markdown to be read.

Tues 8/22

Work on putting images and new theme on the about me page.

Figured out make (finally) the command that fixed everything was

ln -s /opt/homebrew/share/jupyter/nbconvert ~/Library/Jupyter

Thurs 8/24

I want to use this theme:

It looks so good but I haven’t figured out how to import the theme into my github pages I have changed the _config.yml file to use

remote_theme: abhinavs/moonwalk

and even tried copy-pasting the contents of moonwalk.gemspec into this repo’s Gemfile but neither has worked.. right now running the server gives me a file not found error I’m going to try to investigate the cause of the error in _includes/head.html and in _layouts. wish me luck

Fri 8/25

Learned/reviewed some of the basics in Python. From now on, blogging with code will be in the “Blog” section of the site (using *.ipynb files) and located in the table in the CompSci Notebook page.

To do today: finish learning about linux/bash commands and get familiar with them. Work with Shuban who has plenty of experience in Linux OS hardening/security.